quatro minutos depois das sete

hora de partida para outro lado qualquer...

terça-feira, julho 31, 2007

Em jeito de antevisão

Ou de anteaudição para ser mais exacto, que o CD já vai a caminho, aqui fica expressamente para a minha co-blogger MC, as palavras deste You Don't Need This Song (To Fix Your Broken Heart) dos Fields

You should thank yourself,
you made a fine display,
replace my plans with yours and

Sing this song like another one cause they're all the same,
giving you grief and pain and we'll try to get along without them
Sing this song like another one cause they're all the same,
we gave up this grief and pain the second we got along without them

I wont thank myself, i made a fine display,
i'll place my hands in yours and

Sing this song like another one cause theyre all the same,
giving you grief and pain and we'll try to get along without them
Sing this song like another one cause they're all the same,
we gave up this grief and pain the second we got along without them

Sing this song like another one cause they're all the same,
giving you grief and pain and we'll try to get along without them

Sing this song like another one cause they're all the same,
we gave up this grief and pain the second we got along without them


  • At 31/7/07 21:52, Blogger mc said…

    Obrigada pela antevisão. Estou looking forward to.
    Para já, a letra parece-me interessante. Sobretudo neste momento.
    bjos e mais uma vez obrigada pelos mimos!

  • At 1/8/07 15:40, Blogger Duda said…

    De nada, sempre às ordens.

  • At 28/2/10 08:20, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    Hello, as you may already noted I am new here.
    Hope to receive some assistance from you if I will have any quesitons.
    Thanks in advance and good luck! :)


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